- One TaKe started as reaction to COVID-19 and features daily livestreams from our studio in Krefeld, Germany
- We experiment with any kind of content we can think of: gaming of course, but also sport & fitness, cooking and live music
- To interact safely with our community, we organized an one-off event in a local drive-in theater
- As things return to a more normal state, we keep the show running but have reduced the number of hours and days we’re live

The Challenge
As COVID-19 was deemed a global pandemic, we found ourselves in a unique and difficult situation in mid March that we had not planned for as events got pushed back indefinitely and travel became heavily restricted. We decided to do the safest thing we could think of for our team and community: Stay at home but let the show go on!
- As social distancing became the directive, we realized that the HomeStory Cup as we know it won’t be possible this year. Instead, the StayAtHomeStory Cup was born.
- We reinvented the way we run events with everyone safely isolated at home and focus on video conferencing, online participation and cloud-based streaming.
- To make the best of it we get players from across the globe to play who may otherwise have struggled to make it to an offline event due to expensive travel costs or visa issues.
- With reduced operating costs we can increase the ratio of events.
- TaKeTV is the official production partner and tournament organizer for Overwatch Contenders Europe and North America in 2020.
- Originally planned as a regular show from our studio with talents on site, we were forced to re-think this approach as talents weren’t able to travel anymore.
- What stands out is the complexity of the signal flow now: We produce an ingame cleanfeed with two observers from our studio -> sync said cleanfeed between production and talents -> add motion graphics from our production room and stream it from there.
- For our long-standing partner Red Bull we organize and produce the Age of Empires tournament called “Wololo”
- Talents are located all over the world (Germany, US, Canada) while the production is run out of our studio in Krefeld, Germany.
- What stands out is the seamless transition between commentary, analysis, video content and having little to no breaks throughout the entirety of the 8 hour broadcasts.
- We are especially happy how well the customized and API-driven ingame overlay and the fully animated graphics packaged have turned out.
Our Solution
We are making the best of the situation around COVID-19. While we are cutting back our live events, we are increasing the number of remote broadcast productions and online tournaments.
Are you interested in becoming part of or working together on the OneTaKe livestream? Are you looking for a one-stop-shop for online tournaments and broadcast production?